Sunday, March 21, 2021


 Now we come to the mighty diamond, a gemstone revered the world over and the lucky birthstone of the April-born. This is generally considered to be the highest and purest expression of gems. The clarity of diamonds and their ability to reflect light are peerless. Composed of pure carbon, diamonds are formed after thousands of years of great pressure and heat at great depth below the earth’s crust in iron-magnesium magma. Diamonds were first brought to the earth’s surface by volcanic flows and are now mined at great cost in Siberia, Australia, South Africa, and Arkansas. In Canada and California, glaciers have pushed diamonds near the surface, creating some great episodes in history.

When exposed to radiation, diamonds will phosphoresce and are generally considered to be the hardest natural substance. Poor-grade, or bort, diamonds are often used for industrial purposes, but gem cutters in India have become expert at finding ways to salvage these lower-quality diamonds for use in jewelry.

Diamonds are terrific healing stones; perhaps no other crystal can focus energy so purely and intensely. The lore surrounding the healing qualities of diamonds is vast, but most healers agree that the unique blue light of this gem is a help to the eye condition glaucoma. Diamonds are also thought to be a boon to male genitalia, bringing some interesting jewelry options to mind. Diamonds are superb in conjunction with other stones and will amplify the properties of any other gem. While this can be enormously helpful, it cuts both ways. If you are in a negative state of mind, diamonds will amplify that, as well.

Diamond has come to be a symbol of fidelity and is the traditional stone used in a ring for engagement, a pledge to be married and together forever. Since this gem is an aid to intuition, the ring itself will help the potential bride know if her betrothed is really “the one.” Diamonds also imbue courage and can help one face anything.

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