Sunday, January 14, 2018

Simple Salt Magic: Clear Out the Bad Juju

The one thing every household has in the kitchen is salt, plain white grains or the larger kosher crystals. This most common of cupboard condiments is also an essential in magic, dating back thousands of years and used by Egyptians, Chaldeans, Babylonians and early European tribes for purification, protection and cleansing. Salt is often utilized in Hoodoo, sprinkled on doorsteps and pathways to keep bad spirits away (as well as bad people!) and added into witch bottles to clear energy. During the early Roman Empire era, soldiers were paid in salt, it was so valuable. Long have these grains been used to preserve and improve the taste of foods. Perhaps the highest working of salt is as a healer; it is essential in the diet for good health and external uses in baths and rubs can be enormously relaxing. Salt removes negative energy and can vanquish a headache in short order with this magical application.

Fill a tea kettle and set it to boil. Pour hot water into a mug and add a full tablespoon of salt. Once it has cooled to a warm temperature, place the mug to both temples and hold it there for a long moment. Now, dip your forefinger of your left hand into the salt water and rub your temple and your forehead gently in circular movements. Sit or lay flat in silence for a time, with your eyes closed.. Place the cup on your  altar for a period of 24 hours so it can draw out any negative energy in your home; On the next day, throw the salt water from the cup onto your front step or sidewalk to keep the bad “juju” away. As you walk down your front path, you’ll notice you feel very clear-headed and peaceful

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