Monday, August 15, 2022

Numbers: Numerology and Meanings

The following is based on the ancient Pythagorean system (on which modern-day numerology is based). If any number keeps appearing to you in various forms, pay attention to the meanings for that number.

One: Independence, new beginnings, self-development, oneness with life, individuality, progress and creativity

Two: A balance of yin and yang energies (the polarities) of the universe, self-surrender, putting others first, a dynamic attraction to one another, knowledge that comes from balancing the two opposites

Three: Trinity, mind-body-spirit, threefold nature of divinity, expansion, expression, communication, fun, self-expression, giving outwardly, openness and optimism (this number related to the Wiccan 3-by-3 law—whatever you send out, you will receive threefold)

Four: Security, foundations, four elements and the four directions, self-discipline through work and service, productivity, organization, wholeness

Five: Feeling free, self-emancipation, active, physical, impulsive, energetic, changing, adventuresome, resourceful, travel, curiosity, free soul, excitement, and change

Six: Self-harmony, compassion, love, service, social responsibility, beauty, the arts, generosity, concern, caring, children, balance, community service

Seven: Inner life and inner wisdom, seven chakras and seven heavens, birth and rebirth, religious strength, sacred vows, path of solitude, analysis, contemplation

Eight: Infinity, material prosperity, self-power, abundance, cosmic consciousness, reward, authority, leadership

Nine: Humanitarianism, selflessness, dedication of your life to others, completion, endings, universal compassion, tolerance, and wisdom

Master Numbers

In the Pythagorean tradition, master numbers were thought to have a special power and significance of their own.

Eleven: Developing intuition, clairvoyance, spiritual healing, other metaphysical faculties

Twenty-two: Unlimited potential of mastery in any area— spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental

Thirty-Three: All things are possible 

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