Friday, April 22, 2022

Earth Element Rituals

Earth is the ground beneath our feet, the solidity of terra firma. The goddess of this element is Gaia, as the Greeks named Mother Earth. Earth is a primal element of rock and stone, soil and tree, plant and flower. Calling forth the element of earth in your ritual work can help you put down roots to reinforce yourself and build a foundation under your hopes and dreams.

As I stated earlier, we are all part of the earth, and this is an important thought to ponder as you engage in the following rituals.

Getting Grounded Through Guided Meditation

Because the world we live in today is very much about getting in your head and staying there, many of us have to make a concentrated effort to become grounded and in touch with our bodies and the natural world around us.

Grounding is the technique for centering yourself within your being, getting into your body and out of your head. Grounding is the way to reconnect and balance yourself through the power of the element of earth. When you see someone driving past talking on their cell phone, you know that they are not grounded. For deep grounding, I recommend a creative visualization or, better yet, a group guided meditation.

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